miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015


Sacrificed is something not everybody can do it. People usually sacrifice when they like something and it is his or her life, something you really want to. Gymnastic is an Olympic sport that you need to be tall , flexible and talent.

Gymnastics is full of emotions and goals, where you have a family ,where the trainers and teammates are like your family because of moments and hours together. When they step on the tapestry; they enjoy and try to do their best. They win competitions and champions where they can get a cup or a medal.
This sport need  lot of sacrified , you have to eat clean , training many hours and repeat it times as you need to be perfect , so it is difficult and you should be strong. It suppose if you are gymnastic , it means you enjoy doing it which is good because this sport require to get the goal you have propose yourself.

There is nothing better than fight for you want. You learn lo be decisive after each competition and it makes you stronger. Keep in mind you can get everything you want.

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